Shop Small This Christmas Season

Nov 25, 2020

Buying Christmas gifts from small shops has become one of my favorite traditions.


Since I'm a business owner myself, I know how much it means to me when others support my shop and I feel like it's a small way I can give back just a little bit of what I've been blessed with.

When you shop small, everyone wins! The shop owner gets to grow their business and support their family. You win because you get a great product AND that warm fuzzy feeling in your heart. Plus, if you give the item to a friend or family member as a gift, they win too because they get a unique product to use and love. 

Even if you aren't interested in purchasing right now, here are a few ideas of other ways to support small shops:

- Follow them on Instagram

- Comment on a picture and tell them what you love about their shop or products

-  Share about their shop to your Instagram stories. Shout out the shop and share what you love about their products

-  Refer a friend or family member who you think would love their products


Gifts for Home & Family

@ellsgoodsmells - Handmade birch wood candles

@augusthomegoods - Modern home decor

@noodleandbee - Stockings, custom t-shirts, and masks

@deebdecor - Pillows, bags, and decorative tassels

@chalkshopbyjenna - Handprinted chalkboards and signs

@veeleis - Celebratory ribbon leis

@chilllivesdesigns - Custom printed cups, masks, and more


Decorative Prints

@saltandhart - Custom Christmas card and print designs

@lindsayroperdesigns - Decorative print digital downloads

@sunshinesolprints - Decorative print digital downloads


Christmas Decor

@woodlandertoys - engraved wood ornaments

@watercoloronfleek - custom watercolor portraits & ornaments


Pet Gifts

@barkbabesco - Dog mom tees

@thehomemadeedit - Custom pet stickers, modern vinyl stickers


Baby & Kids Gifts

@birchlyshop - Baby and kids toys

@audreymaebows - Girls hair bows

@littlemaeandco - Baby textiles (blankets, bibs, bows, poppy covers, and more)

@shop.flourishco - Wooden puzzles, custom name puzzles


Religious Gifts

@pondersimply - General Conference journals

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