5 Must-Have Instagram Apps for Product Businesses

upping your gram-game Oct 07, 2020

I don’t know about you, but if I had a public relationship status with Instagram, it would be “complicated” most of the time. 

I really enjoy jumping onto my personal account and engaging with my family and friends, but when I first started running my business Instagram, I felt like all of the fun and joy of Instagram had been squeezed out of me like the applesauce that my 3 year old squeezed out of the pouch I handed to him in the car the other day while we were running errands. (Sigh.)

So many of my students have finished my first 2 courses and come back to me and said, “Soooo these courses are great, but now what? I know I need to start an Instagram account but… ugh.”

I totally get it. If starting a business Instagram feed gives you a slight feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach, you are not alone. 

BUT LISTEN. I don’t want you to be filled with dread every time you open up your business Insta account. 

There are 3 things I want you to *always* remember about Instagram. They may seem obvious, but sometimes we still forget them. 

  1. Your worth is not determined by the number of followers you have. 
  2. The success of your business is not determined by the number of followers you have. (Like, seriously. We did our first $100,000 in sales on Etsy with less than 5,000 followers on Insta.)
  3. Your 1 and only job on Instagram is to help the people in your feed feel loved, supported, and heard. That’s it. 

"Wait. I thought my job was to sell my product." 

Nope. Your job is to serve. Your job is to share kindness and positivity. That’s it.

Doesn’t that just make all of the yucky feelings around Instagram go away??

The best part is when you’re so focused on putting that positivity out into the world, it always comes back to you. 

I have A LOT of tricks I could share about Instagram, but for now, I want you to have some actionable tips that will help make your life with Instagram less complicated starting TODAY. 

Most of them are free, but a couple of them do cost a small monthly fee. I promise you though, the time that you will buy back by making Instagram less dreadful is priceless.

Click here to grab the link to my list of 5 MUST-HAVE APPS to make your relationship with Instagram a little less complicated.

And be on the lookout 👀 cause if you like these tips, I have LOTS more of them coming. :) 


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