[0:00] Music.
[0:13] Hey ladies, how are we? Welcome! Some of you were here on the Master Your Messaging call. The purpose of this call is supposed to be like a compliment to that call. So if you haven't listened to the Master Your Messaging session, that's your homework assignment after this call. And even if you haven't listened to it, it's totally fine because I can help catch you up to speed on anything that we've talked through there, but it's a really good session. If you want help clarifying your messaging, I like to think about it like a good clarifying shampoo shampoo, where if you've ever had the experience of using a clarifying shampoo and you could tell afterwards that your hair is like lighter and fluffier and does what you want it to a lot more easily. And what a clarifying shampoo does is it cleans out all the gunk, right? It pulls off any of like the residual products and makes it so that it's just the hair. And that's basically what this messaging exercise is. Because sometimes as coaches, we like to add in fluffy things, but sometimes we don't even realize we're doing that. So again, homework after this call is to go watch, or sorry, listen to the podcast, master your messaging.
[1:15] Okay, perfect. We're going to start with Leslie, then Iva, then Jalyn, then Krista, and then we'll get to Brooke. Brooke, if we have time, okay? Hopefully we'll have time to get through even more than this, but we'll start with this and see where this takes us. All right, Leslie, are you ready for me? Yes, I'm ready. How are you? Good. How are you? Oh, great. Thanks for coming on. I'm excited to chat.
[1:36] Yes, me too. Okay. So tell me what's on your mind, what's bogging you down, what would you love clarification on? So I just would love some your thoughts on my Instagram. I'm trying to start selling fall bulbs. I've been doing butterfly ranunculus. And And then just today, I also started on a fritillaria type bulb. I am growing some myself, but I'm buying extras to sell. I have a flower farm. I used to sell to florists, but now I'm kind of also trying to venture into like, do I want to sell bulbs and stuff to people like, you know, individuals, moms, like 30 year olds who want to get out and enjoy their garden. Garden and so I don't know that's kind of I guess my ideal client is people like me my age who just want to enjoy being outside and gardening on a smaller scale obviously not a flower farmer scale but yeah. Tell me more about, is there any part of your messaging specifically that you feel hung up on or confused about or unsure about?
[2:41] Probably just all of it. I don't know. I guess I just, I get a lot of people, not a lot, but I get like when people look at my Instagram, they look at it, but they don't really necessarily take action. So I guess I want to get more people like responding to my messages or Instagram posts or giving me their emails and stuff so that I can send them, you know, more information and get them to purchase eventually. Hey, I love it. Tell me like if there was one result that you could create from your Instagram content that you would love to your mind. To sell bulbs. That's the ultimate goal. Okay. Do you want to sell directly from your Instagram content or do you want to move them to an email list and then sell from your email list?
[3:29] I'm working on a website. So the end goal is eventually to get them to go to my website and just purchase from there. But I don't feel like it looks good enough right now for me to direct them there. So I guess right now it's to get emails. Okay, perfect. And then I'm guessing, is there a date in which you would like to have all the bulbs sold? Like after this point, it's too late in the winter to plant them? Yeah, probably end of October-ish. I would love to have them sold before then. So probably mid-October, I'd love to have them sold. Okay, perfect. Okay, so first, I'm guessing you probably have at least a product listing that people could buy through, right? Yes. Okay, amazing. Okay, so let's talk about this person. You already mentioned to me who you feel like your ideal client is. A mom, or maybe you said mom, a woman in her 30s who wants flowers in her yard in the spring, but doesn't necessarily want to be a flower farmer. Do you feel like the people in your current audience fit that description?
[4:30] Some, yes. But then also I have a lot of florists that follow me because I'm a flower farmer. So I guess I don't know that I really have the right Instagram profile. Yeah, I have a few, but not majority is florists. Okay, let me start here.
[4:47] When this bulb, let's just call it a lot. Like basically you're going to be launching bulbs, right? Through a couple of months. When this launch is complete, what will you move into selling next? That is a good question. I have other supplies, like I have pin frogs. I went and bought a bunch for myself so that you can create your own arrangement at home. So I bought a bunch of those for my ideal client as well. Okay, so besides your bulbs, what other offers do you have? I sell arrangements, but I don't advertise that a whole lot because I'd rather do subscription-based, which I haven't really been advertising. So I don't really have a lot of other that I openly offer. Do you have any educational offers that you sell or that you want to sell? I'm working on a garden planner. Fun. I love that. Yeah. Okay. I'm looking for a common thread between if you were someone who.
[5:46] This is honestly what I kind of do, where I rotate through launches almost like seasonally. Okay. In February, I'll be launching the greenhouse again. I'll also be launching another program I have called the Launch Crew. That's for someone kind of like someone that feels like they've outgrown the greenhouse, basically. So what I'm looking for is like, are there, it's kind of funny to use the analogy of seasons because you're literally selling a gardening product. But I think you know what I mean of like, if you want to rotate through selling different offers. Is there a common thread that between all the different offers that we could make them all for the same person? So that whenever you create content, you feel like, okay, I know exactly who I'm talking to. Because I think that will help clarify a lot of maybe the unsurety that you're feeling about, is my content on point or not? Because I'm not really sure.
[6:33] Okay. So you're saying like, go ahead, launch the bulbs, but then make sure you have the flower frogs for the people because then once they have the bulbs, they can grow and design easily with it and then go through and have like a garden planner for the next season where I'm like, okay, it's time to start thinking about, well, ideally I would do that probably at the same time as like I'm selling my bulbs right now so they can plan for the spring. And then in the summer, think of something for the summer that could be an offer. Okay. So a couple of ideas that I had just while you were talking is that could be fun from a messaging standpoint.
[7:11] Is you know if you already have a lot of florists in your audience you could create these like message these bulbs in a way position these bulbs in a way where it's like if you're a florist and you don't want to have to go to the wholesaler and buy daffodils in the spring or I can't remember you said butterfly or nunculus if you don't want to have to buy those because those are some of the most expensive flowers at the wholesaler why don't you grow them in your yard next year and let me show you how and.
[7:36] Okay. It could be an interesting angle. Yes, that sounds good. And then would you at the same time do something for like my ideal, my second ideal client, I guess, which would be just moms that have time to garden or would you just totally kind of ignore that at this point? I think you could do both. I don't want you to feel like, I mean, you could totally go down the niche of like teaching florists how to grow their own mini flower garden.
[8:05] The principles that that person needs to learn are the same principles that someone who's never grown a bulb before needs to learn. And so I would also play with angles like, hey, these are Utah, local Utah bulbs. These are not being shipped across the country unless you are shipping them. But they've been grown in my home garden in the best soil. You could create lots of messaging about why these bulbs are better than any other bulbs they could get. If I asked you that, why are these bulbs better? What would you say? I would say because they are from Japan. They are tissue culture. They are going to provide you gorgeous blooms that last for two weeks and florists pay top dollar for them. Yes. Yeah. You're going to have to explain what tissue culture means because I I don't actually know what that means.
[8:59] But I love the messaging of like, hey, instead of going to the wholesaler Trader Joe's and buying these for whatever, $30 a bunch, you could grow them in your yard and, you know, spend the same amount on one pack of bulbs and have triple the amount or something like that. Mm hmm. So I can already see how you're pulling through lots of different really cool angles in your messaging. Like what's the unique selling proposition? Why are these bulbs better? How are these bulbs a good investment? If you want to think about it like ROI for people and position it that way. I think you're also pulling out some really cool angles of like, what would the end use of this product be? And also almost like inspiring them of ideas. Like I've never thought of growing Redonkulous, but now that you mention it, that sounds really fun. And if all I have to do is plant a bulb in October and then wait for it to come up in the spring, I could probably manage that. Okay. How's that feeling?
[9:55] That sounds good. I've been writing down. Sorry, I see you've been talking something to her. You're great. So fun. I'm excited.
[10:03] So great. Okay, Eva, I'm ready for you.
[10:07] Hi. So I'm kind of trying to refine my main message. So what I have so far is like I'm targeting people who want to live intuitively and be really connected to themselves and want to live life like in their own unique way so like whatever feels aligned to their soul to their values so kind of going against the grain of like society and and just like really embracing whatever feels true for them and I can't come up with like other words or other ways to like express it. So I just wanted to kind of brainstorm here with you. I love it. Let's brainstorm. First, I want to hear, this sounds like something that's really important to you, probably because you have a story around it. Tell me more about yours. Yeah. So I grew up as a people pleaser and I was constantly looking for answers outside of myself and I didn't feel rooted in who I was. So when I went off to college, I started down a career path that wasn't really lighting my heart up on fire. And.
[11:17] Then as I was studying for the CPA, I discovered that like I didn't want to keep going down that path. And I was more interested in like spirituality and self-development. And so then I just walked away from exploring modalities. And like so for the past six years, that's what I've been doing. OK, amazing. I had no idea that you were studying to be a CPA. PA. So I want you to make like an asterisk, like, oh, that's an interesting part of my story that's super concrete.
[11:49] Tell me more about what you've been up to for the last six years. Have you been seeing clients? Have you been learning and studying these spirituality modalities?
[11:57] Yeah. So more of it has been self-study and then doing sessions myself. I am hypnotherapy certified and human design and family coaching certified, but I've been trying to kind of not really focus Because every time I mention the hypnotherapy certified.
[12:15] Then I feel like whoever I'm talking to, like, because I've tried to do, like, marketing stuff before, and I feel like they kind of cling on to that, and they're like, oh, then you're a hypnotherapist, you should focus on selling that, and it's like, no, but what I do is, like, so much more than that, because I intuitively guide the person. I never know what's going to happen on the session. I just show up and I'm really present with them and then just get out of the way to allow the guidance to come in. And then we end up having unique sessions. And that's kind of what I'm trying to emphasize. But I also am struggling to figure out how to say that because each journey is unique, just like each person is. Right is there a specific modality that you prefer that you like to use the most one that i've been focused on sharing because it seems to be like core is like connecting them to their higher self or whatever they will call that part of them to like receive the guidance from within and receive like the clarity to those are like the two words i've been saying is like clarity and guidance and i don't know if people just don't know what that means or if it's like too broad or yeah.
[13:30] Guarantee you it's because they don't, they feel confused by that. Like, what does that mean? Now I feel dumb, but I don't want to ask her because now I'm going to look like an idiot or just because they lack the context of why that would be useful for them. Tell me about some of the clients that you've worked with. What are some of like the coolest transformations you've witnessed? Okay. I think like the most recent one was with a client who really connected to her higher self.
[13:56] And she even, like, got the name to call her higher self. So, like, after that session, we would, like, always call her higher self that. It's just, like, really beautiful to see people connect to themselves and, like, anchor into that. And then I love also, like, supporting them and, like, integrating it afterward. So I know that, like, one session is not enough to make the shift. Like they have to do the shift like in the micro moments in their daily life to actually, you know, sustainable change. But I think just witnessing her because when she came to me, she was confused. She was in a career transition. She was feeling really overwhelmed and stressed out in her job. And then when we worked together, she softened more and got more confident and connecting. And then, you know, we did it enough times to where I worked with her for like a few months. And so then we got her to a point to where I could literally just text her if she messaged me and be like, OK, drop in. And then, you know, and I think that's like what feels really amazing to me is like being able to connect them to that part so they could do it themselves. Because I don't want to be the middleman. You know, I want them to learn how to do it so that they have that for life.
[15:17] Okay, so what you just brought up actually I think is very useful. The reason why she hired you is because she was in the middle of a career transition. She was super stressed with her job, which is interesting because that's your story too, basically. Yeah? Yeah. Have you had any other clients that are similar this way where they're stressed at work, they are unhappy with their jobs, and that's why they hire you? I have one lady that's been talking to me who is still expressing that she's stressed out right now. So we haven't worked together, but it kind of feels like a similar situation because of her role. And that's kind of where I was like, okay, so do I focus on people that are like career transitioning or like trying to figure out what their life purpose is? Or do I, you know, just focus on just in general, like helping you connect and then just be more specific with painting the picture of why that self-connection is so important. Because it impacts literally all the rest of your life. When you're rooted in yourself, it impacts all your areas of life. So it's not just like one, you know.
[16:27] Yeah. Okay. I have a question that I think will help draw out the specificity of this. It's kind of a weird one, but I think this will also be useful for those of you who are listening who feel confused about your niche. So the question is, if you were walking through a grocery store and you could like read the minds of the people around you, how would you know, like what would be happening in someone's life when you're like, listen, what you really need is to learn how to, how did you say it? Learn how to connect with yourself. How would you, what would be going on where you would be like, oh, dead giveaway, you need my help? The first thing that's coming up is someone who's like, I just don't feel like I'm really living life. Like they kind of don't feel like they're living it on their terms. They've maybe kind of been in this autopilot mode for so long and they're trying to be more intentional and more intuitive in the way they approach life. Because I feel like that's like a major, like the intuition piece is like really important.
[17:33] Yeah. Okay. I wrote this phrase down. Let's just, well, okay. First, does it resonate for you to work with women or men or both? I'm open to both. So far, I have more experience with women though. I'm just going to say women for the purpose of this conversation. Just interpret that however you need to. Okay. So you're walking through the grocery store and you see a woman. And you can read her mind and she's like, I just don't feel like I'm living. I want you to like paint a picture for me of what's going on in her life, like a specific situation in her life where that brings up this thought. I just don't feel like I'm living. What comes up? She's like stuck in hustle mode. Okay. Between how she is with her family, you know, kind of just like the activities like throughout the year, like, you know, she almost kind of feels like she can't catch a break and doesn't really know how to like make time for herself. She doesn't know how to stand up for herself, how to be like her own advocate. What else? Can you say the question one more time? Yeah, I'm just gonna, I think you described every woman ever.
[18:42] Doesn't know how to stand up for herself. Not every woman ever, but a lot of women feel this way, right? Where I feel like I can't catch a break. I feel like I am drowning. I feel like I am constantly rushing to the next thing. Oh, this was another phrase that you said, advocate for herself. Tell me about a specific situation in her life where she's not advocating for herself. With her family. Okay. She feels like she has to be everything for everyone, but then she's not being herself for herself and for others.
[19:13] Because she's disconnected and because she's not in the healthy boundary to say like, hey, I need some time and coordinating with people in her life to be able to receive the support that she deserves so she can feel well and be thriving and then show up as the best version of herself. Sure. What's her role in the family? Is she the mom? Is she the daughter? Is she the sister? What's coming through is like more of like a mother figure. Does it resonate with you to work with women who are moms? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Let's write that down as like a bullet point. We know she's a mom. Does it resonate for you to work with a woman who's a stay-at-home mom or a woman who works? I mean, I don't really have a preference on that. I just want to help them, you know?
[20:03] Yeah. Okay. This is the question that I want you to keep hanging out with. I think you have some really good seeds of clarity here. If I was like picking a niche for you, which I would never do, but I will give you some hints or some ideas that I could see being super compelling. A woman who has a working out-of-the-home career who is desiring a change in her career. That's such a specific woman who's at such a vulnerable moment in her life. Also amazing because, you know, like she's probably ready to invest in some support in this. But this is the homework exercise that I want you to do. I want you to start to, even if you did like after this caller tonight, got out a piece of paper and wrote down a list of the women who you know personally who you could help if they hired you. Or another question I really ask, I like to ask sometimes like if I could snap my fingers and get you any client instantly, just like put them in your lap, she's paid in full. And it has to be someone you know personally. It can't be like a celebrity who have no connections with? Who would that person be?
[21:12] And then start making a list because that can help create something concrete instead of like someone who wants to figure out her life purpose. Probably all of us do. Sometimes I like to think about if I was in a parking lot, the only way that I could market was like holding up a sign in a public place. And if I held up a sign that said I'll help you figure out your life purpose that's amazing but people that you need to help would probably walk past because they haven't identified I need that I need my life purpose right they're not like with like a heat seeking missile that's like I'm looking for someone who can help me figure out my life purpose right but they're probably looking for something else that's just a tiny bit more specific like I hate my job.
[21:57] I need to change. I would pay someone to help me figure out how to solve this problem.
[22:01] Right. Can you see how it's like the same person just messaged slightly differently? Okay. Those are your homework assignments. How does that feel?
[22:08] That feels good. Thank you. Okay. You're so welcome. Thanks for chiming in. I loved that. All right, Jalyn, you're up next, my friend. Hey, thanks. You're welcome. Okay. So I'm a dance instructor. I'm a hip hop dance instructor. My goal is to try to get more people to my events. I put on once a month events for the community. They're open to the public. But also I think the biggest push right now for me is I really want to get more bookings. My dream is to have people hire me to do things like birthday parties, family reunions, bachelorette nights. And I would really love to get my foot in the door with corporate events. Like some corporation hiring me to come teach a dance for their staff team building day or whatever. So it's kind of tricky because my target audience is kind of all over the place. And I currently teach, like, a weekly class at a dance studio. And so it's sometimes hard for me to, like, message to my ideal client, who is probably, like, a corporate manager somewhere. Or, you know, like, a mom who's putting together a family reunion and wants something really fun for her family to do. But, like, at the same time, I have my real people that come to my weekly class, who I know by name. And, like, they're all over the map. I have 50-year-olds. I have 20-year-olds.
[23:24] So anyways, I just, I would love your insight on like how to message. And I also feel like my last event, my messaging was a little bit off. I was trying to target, like some of my messaging was like, do you ever feel like you just want to hang out in the background because you don't know what you're doing? I know the cues and the tips and tricks. Like I have been a beginner before recently because I did not grow up dancing. So I know the cues that's going to help your body look amazing. And I'm going to get you there. But I had some responses to that being like, yeah, that's not me. I'm I hate the back row. I'm always like, I love the front row. And so I think my and I really do think my ideal client loves the front row and loves the spotlight because I it's really hard for me as a teacher to like coach people like I can only do so much like if they came in, you know, if I if I could pay my ideal client show up, they're like, put me in coach, teach me this awesome dance. And then I'm going to freaking rock it. I'm going to add my own style to it. And I'm just going to have so much freaking fun. It's like, that's my ideal client. But I'm, I feel like I'm talking to this person that maybe doesn't exist of like this, like back row shy person who, who just needs me to like come and teach them. So anyways, I have ideas.
[24:35] Okay. First, let's talk about your dream corporate client. How constrained are you by location? Are you open to traveling or do you want to stay local? I mean, that's the thing. My husband's a student right now and we're going to graduate in the next six months so location is hard I would yeah look eventually like pie in the sky I'll have my own studio and I would love to just do it locally but um obviously traveling would be freaking cool too so so I'm asking because I almost wonder if it could be true that this is actually kind of how I create clients like there's a certain type of person that I talk to most frequently in my Instagram content who's usually the perfect fit for the greenhouse or the launch crew but I also have another type of client that still comes to me even though I'm not necessarily creating content for them and usually I work with them privately and we do like super intense like, strategy work on their business and on their launches and so it doesn't doesn't scare me or worry me like all the people that you want to talk to are different but I almost wonder if there might be a slight nuance of especially for like the corporate client that they might come to you through word of mouth. They might write you on Instagram and follow you and that's awesome. But I don't necessarily think you need to create content for that person because they're probably going to find you for word of mouth anyway.
[25:55] So then let's talk about your weekly classes. Are those paid classes or are they free? They're paid. Like people have to pay. Okay. So besides your corporate reunions, bachelorette parties, birthdays, where those are like they would generally hire you to create the choreography and then teach them the choreography, correct? Correct yeah okay so then so I kind of see like you have almost like three different tiers of offers happening one is like come dance with me every week through this class which is so fun one is the next tier up would be hire me to create the choreography and train you and actually the corporate clients probably fit in that category too so let's talk about that I don't want to say lower let's talk about the first tier of your weekly students would you like right and my monthly events too okay yeah amazing would you like to have a number of those would you like to have several classes per week um I work at a studio so I don't know if I don't know that's in my control but I would love to have booked events like my last event I had 12 people come and like I you know it's just kind of a wash financially because I have to pay the videographer in the studio and it's just like awesome yeah I would love to like book out my monthly events for sure. How many people would you like to have come to a monthly event? I mean it'd be awesome to have like 20. 20 has been my goal. If you had a hundred come would that be unmanageable?
[27:23] Yeah, because part of the package is that you get like an individual video of yourself doing the dance at the end. Like it's kind of like a performance at the end.
[27:33] Okay, interesting. Tell me more about that. What would someone use that video for? Are they using it for an audition? No, no, it's kind of just like the spotlight. It's like, hey, we've learned this dance and there's something about performing. And there's something about like I have really fancy lights that I bring out. There's something about performing in front of a group of people that like the adrenaline and like the performance high and like people really, and especially with the social media world, people love it. Okay. Or at least my ideal client loves it. Like my ideal client loves that perfect take, that perfect video themselves. They're asking like, oh, shoot, I messed that part up. Can I redo?
[28:13] Like that's my ideal. My ideal client is like, I want another video. Okay. So she's learning the dance. The videographer is recording it for her and she's going to post it. Okay. Yeah. That's a very specific type of person, right? Yeah. Perfect. Okay. You just told me that these events are a wash. Do you want to make these more profitable or is it you're kind of in the event?
[28:36] I mean, no, I, I want to get to the point where they're like, they're profitable. I mean, five years, like when I have my own studio and stuff, I won't be the only teacher. Like I'll hire the salsa people to come and do a salsa night and the African dancers to teach it. But, you know, it's going to be bigger than just me. But yeah, right now, they're almost like, they're just a wash. I mean, I'm making like two digits on these events. Totally. So I want to find a way to be profitable. Otherwise, maybe I just focus on the corporate and private stuff and my weekly stuff. So, I think what you're discovering here, though, is important because the person who is the wallflower, honestly, this is me, so I can speak to this. Like, the person who, like, I did a Zumba class that was just, like, free at a church around the corner for, like, a year. And I was always, like, not the fourth row, but, like, the third of the fourth row. I was, like, almost going in the back, but not quite. and I would never go to an event where I've been filmed dancing unless yeah okay paid probably.
[29:42] Okay once my girlfriends were going so there's a type of person who is coming to these because she wants to be in the spotlight like you said she wants the video that she can share of herself but I also think what you just called out is also interesting like she wants to learn a lot of different types of dancing she doesn't just want to learn how to dance she already feels is probably somewhat confident in her ability to dance now she wants to learn all the different types of dancing like the salsa and african okay so let's talk about the messaging for your next event specifically tell me what's what's resonating what's sticking what sounds like that's the perfect person to come i mean so i think the messaging that is resonating is like Like, I know, like, I was a beginner not too long ago. I started when I was an adult. So I haven't, like, grown up doing that. I think that's pretty unique in the dance world. I feel like you watch dance videos of amazing dancers and you're just like, that could never be me because I didn't grow up dancing. And it's like, I'm here to prove to the world that, no, my whole catchphrase is dance is just practice. There's no genes. There's no, like, required amount of years that you need.
[30:49] You can be a great dancer just by practicing. It's just practice. this. So like that message resonate and the fact that like, I'm trying to really own my authority on this. I know, I know the cues to help you learn how to twerk or like, I know what it feels like to not know that. And I learned how to do it successfully. So like, I know that I think the message that's not hitting is the like, I think I'm trying too hard to like, don't be scared. Don't be shy. So yeah, the message that's not hitting is like, I'm talking to the back row people when I want to be talking to the front row girl I don't know I think but I still like you to be maybe attracted to it and be like sure I'll try it this girl sounds like she can take me there yeah totally I would only come if I had a girlfriend going with me if I had like a wingman that's the only way yeah yeah yeah oh there's some people do that all the time okay good okay you probably already do this but that story that you told like I didn't grow up dancing I was not I'm not trained since I was four years old how to dance. I learned in however long ago as a teenager, as an adult, whatever, telling that story almost like I could see you. Okay, maybe this is the question. Is the person who you want to have, do they identify themselves as a dancer like they were trained? Yeah. In their childhood? Or are they like, I wasn't trained, but I think I could be really good at it? Yeah, I think I think more the second one, like I didn't, I didn't necessarily grow up dancing, but I really love it.
[32:18] And I love like the expressive part of it. So basically, you are looking for 1000 mini use?
[32:26] Yeah. Which I don't know, which maybe, and like, obviously, it's tricky, because do you message to your ideal client? Or do you message to like the people who are actually showing up? Because, Because I mean, I think my ideal client is probably like a mom who wants to take time for herself to go to a dance class every week. But like I have a lot of men show up to my class and they're great and they're awesome. So yeah, that's tricky.
[32:50] I like to think of it almost like, you know how people talk about like a funnel where it's like the inverted triangle and it's like, we're trying to catch everyone at the bottom, right?
[32:57] What I actually like to think of instead is almost like an inverted triangle
[33:01] where like you're going to talk to your ideal client. And that messaging is going to trickle down and still attract some of these people too but if you only talk to the person not to say like there's a hierarchy and this person is like a worse person right but like if you only talk to the person down here it's not going to activate the person up here at the top of the pyramid and so I would say talk to your ideal client with the expectation and knowledge that other people are going to come along for the ride too and that's perfect but I i would also say that probably what most people are going to connect with is your story of like i didn't identify myself as a dancer but now i do and this is how i made that transformation my life okay how's that feeling i left you with some unanswered questions but yeah no that's okay i think i think it's i think it's scary to like so one thing that i sorry really quick the one thing that i'm like a little bit scared to post about is just like the fact that i do have young kids I do try to choreograph clean music clean oh my god but I can like dance around my kids and not be like ah because I choreograph all the time when they're around and anyways so like that's something that's kind of unique about me as a hip-hop instructor is that I don't dance to music that drops the f-bomb all the time yeah but I like never post that because I go to dance class.
[34:21] With people who like request songs that have the f-bomb all the time in it and I'm just like oh oh, I'll listen to it and see. Or, you know, I do attend myself. I go to dance classes and I go to hip hop classes and I know the teachers and the teachers follow me on social media and they have F-bombs all the time. So it's just kind of scary because it's like, I know real people who might be offended by that. I think there's a way that you could say it where you paint your position very clearly, but without having a judgmental tone of like, yeah, anyone who does is the worst person, right? This is just I choose. And I think you can always say because I have young kids at home. And so this is just a personal value of mine and just.
[35:04] Just say it like that. That's a very specific person, too. Yeah. Yeah. When in doubt, ask your audience. Do polls in your stories. Send out surveys. Get on calls with people and ask them questions. Ask people in real time at your dance classes, like, what resonates more for you? Why did you come? What was the reason that you clicked the buy button on this ticket? And what else can I offer you that you would love? I think would be super compelling. Yeah. And maybe, maybe the videography thing is not a thing, you know, for people. Or maybe they would pay several hundreds of dollars for it. Sure. Yeah. Okay. Do you have a survey software that you use that you like? No, I just use, honestly, I use my stories most frequently and then I'll just do a Google form. A Google form. Okay. Even if you you only ask them, why did you come?
[35:59] Why did you buy a ticket? You can start using those words in your messaging. We'll give you instant clarity. Okay. So good. I'm excited for you. Thank you. All right, Krista, you are up my friend. Okay. Hi, Kaylin. Hey.
[36:12] Okay. I had a different question, but kind of a similar question. I think that's sort of come up and maybe you've already answered, but maybe I want to hear it in my situation. It's like, I feel like I kind of have two ideal deal clients, the past two one-on-one clients I've had. So basically, I mean, you follow me, I'm making custom journals, right? And kind of with the goal that they want it for themselves. And usually that's how it starts is they want it for themselves.
[36:38] But then I also want them to like either one, sell it to their audience after they've made it or two, sell it to their audience slash buy it for a future bullet journal party.
[36:48] So my like two kind of ideal clients are either one, a business owner or the other client that I worked with wasn't a business owner. And that was also really fun. So, yeah, I guess like messaging wise, do you have like a focus on the business owner or like the not business owner? Like, what do you what are your thoughts on that? tell me more about the non-business owner client what did she come to you for, well that was a great she like kind of came to me through I she loves bullet journaling that's usually a big key with any of my clients is they love to bullet journal so she loved bullet journaling she actually won a giveaway for like a party and and then during like that call about like planning the party I was like oh and you could I'm thinking about doing custom journals and like honestly most of my clients when they come to me they kind of like stay with me because Because they just like the whole vibe of the bullet journal and making more and doing more. And she's a homeschool mom. So I found a lot of people that, like me, are homeschool moms, which I'm not necessarily a homeschool mom. I have two littles. But I don't know. Do you need to know more about her? What else can I tell you about her?
[37:50] What are her plans to do with the custom journal that you created? Is it just for her? Is she going to monetize it somehow? Well, she actually, when she came to me, wanted to kind of wanted to like share it with her audience. She wanted it for herself first of all but I know she also was like I also think people would want this because she kind of already had that idea so I would guess the same is true for your business right honestly no like the business owner that I worked with she wanted it for herself and then I was like oh also I'm doing this with another client so do you want to do that too and she She was like, actually, yes, like she kind of learned that from me. So I feel like in order for it to be worth your time, right, you can't create custom journals for everyone. That would be amazing. And unless they're willing to pay a large sum of money, because that takes a lot of your time, I'm guessing. Right. And so in my mind, the thing that would make sense for them investment wise is like I'm going to invest in Chris to help me create this custom journal planner binder or whatever they want it to be because I'm going to sell it to my audience somehow. Does that resonate for you? And are you cool with people doing that?
[39:02] Yeah. I mean, with my business model, like that's what I want because that just only opens more doors, right? More people buy through, cause it's an affiliate, right? Like I, the other thing that like I've seen people like is I do basically get all the backend, like I'm like putting out my website. I even help. This is my other question that if we have time to get to is like, I even sort of help with the launch of it. So yeah, I do have a question about that. Yeah. So basically specifically are you printing it for them no i mean i use a third-party manufacturer so i create it visually and i send it off and it gets printed through my website though it's like all aligned through my website so like i am not no i'm not like physically taking the time to do that but i'm taking the time to create exactly what's done down the file what's the third party do they ship a big box they have to play like a place a bulk order and they ship it to the business owner or is it like a print on demand where they can ship individual ones to the customers directly?
[40:01] Yeah. So what I've done so far is it will, it will print to the customer individually. Okay, cool. I mean, if the business owner wanted to like physically sell them, they could, but most of the people I've worked with don't, they're like, no, no, no, I don't want them. You ship them off. I want, so like the customer, so if they bring a customer, that customer pays shipping, like it will just go straight to them. They don't have to, they don't have to do anything either. Like we're just literally making it together, launching it and then it gets sold. Amazing, because I'm thinking of someone like me, right? Who's like, if I ever wanted to create a planner, you know, I've done the route of ordering the supplies in bulk, getting them to my house, repackaging them, putting the sticker on. I could do that, but if I didn't have to, that would be a huge selling point. So I almost think you could create messaging about this almost like as if you're a print-on-demand bullet journal designer, where business owners can come to you and hire you to create their custom design, You do all the, I love the idea of you doing the backend connection, you helping them with the launch, you helping get it out to your audience.
[41:04] It's a really cool option. Okay. I don't think I've leaned into the like print on demand stuff enough. So that's good to like hear. So my second question, if you have time, is like something that I have.
[41:16] I've kind of nailed the messaging. I feel like with the custom side of things, like that's what people really like. Of course they want to make what they want to make. but something that I've like sort of test around with my messaging and I don't know if I need to put more into it or not but I feel like it's going to be important is like the launch strategy so like you're the launch queen this is your job right like how can I teach about that like I have a YouTube channel so I've already thought like okay I should probably like maybe I could do a YouTube video of like going through all my launches and like what's successful or not like and also like I've thought of like making like a ebook or like pdf of like here's how I would launch if I were you very generic but of course the hard thing is is like if you know since you're an affiliate I'm making money if they sell so I actually am I'm sure you feel this way too you're invested on whether their launches go well or not because like that you know but do I need a message I don't know do you have a their offer that I could do with launches that like I should do or like a course or like a group class or something yes to all the above okay so that's just a huge like cliff and bump I gotta climb and get to which I've been feeling like I should but do you are you charging the business owner a flat rate for the design that yes I mean so one of my clients actually turned into like I call them like a subscriber because she just has so many ideas and like wants to make so many that I'm like okay there's so like I could help you with launches I can help you with bullet journal parties if you want I can help you with this so like in my mind Yes.
[42:46] Those are like separate things I can help people with.
[42:49] But like, if they want all of them, then I kind of like put around a subscription. I don't know. So I still am like tweaking all my packages and stuff because I do feel like they're separate. Like making the custom is one thing. Launching it is kind of another thing. But yeah, I guess I get a little confused if I'm like, well, I'm invested in the launch too, because like I want to make money with this person too. So yeah. I could see you creating an offer for coaches and service providers who have a lot of private clients or they have a large, they have like something like the greenhouse, for example, where there's a large volume of women inside. And she's like, I wish I could create a physical workbook for the girls inside.
[43:26] But I don't want to go through the headache of designing it and getting it to them. I'm gonna pay Krista a flat rate and I could see you creating it like an all-inclusive experience where when you pay it's this amount it takes this.
[43:39] Many months if it takes a certain amount of time but when you pay you get the design you get the launch strategy maybe you even send them some launch assets like Instagram posts or stories or whatever or mock-ups that show the workbook things like that yeah like an all-inclusive experience where she's basically hiring you to take that off of her to-do list yes okay that's a huge package though I'm like that's and that's good that's high ticket right that's good exactly like I would think about it from the standpoint of how would I price this if she's gonna sell 50 of these things how would I price this if she's gonna sell a thousand of these right and yeah making it a feel like commission on each one right well yeah that's kind of my thought right now and again this is just can be tweaked is like I was gonna like have them pay for the services then the journal on top of that depending on how many they have they can get at like this price so it's like you know if they're if we're selling it to the audience we price it higher because we both will make a profit but if like she made it and she wants it she'll get at a super almost like manufacturer price because I've already done the back-end work type of thing I don't know not manufacturer price I would probably like want to still make a profit on it too but I don't know is that what do you think I think obviously play with this and keep testing this but it sounds like your ideal client as far as like.
[45:00] Someone who who you can really make this worth your time and effort and her time and effort.
[45:06] It's almost like it has to be a filter that like this has to be something that she wants to monetize to her audience if she wants just like a single one-off for her that's cool it's 250 bucks right? Or something. Yes. Oh, definitely worth your time and effort to go through the process. Yeah. Okay. That's mostly what my messaging has been. So like, I kind of have done it to business owners. And is that fine? Like, I almost feel like.
[45:30] I mean, I even think when I hired you, like I was scared to call myself a business owner. Like I even feel like if I do it to business owners, I'll kind of sweep up the people that are like, well, maybe I want to do that too, like eventually. But yeah, for the high ticket price, definitely I would think that would be for a business owner, right? Because if you don't have a business, you probably wouldn't want to spend that much on it. You didn't have a specific game plan in an audience that you could instantly put this out to and monetize in the next couple of weeks. Yeah. You know, the investment may or may not. I would even get as specific as that. Not just a business owner, but someone who has an audience of a certain volume. It's not like she has three private clients. She has probably dozens.
[46:14] Probably in the 50s, maybe even hundreds, maybe even thousands of women in her programs just as a filter. So it's not like think about how cool that is every coach and service provider that I know is either already doing that or wants to and you that's what I feel like I kind of feel like I've said business owner but I almost feel like it's coaches right so many cool like reflective journals yeah yeah okay so I just need to market to my ideal client and like plan for them okay because my audience not necessarily isn't that I mean there are definitely business owners in my audience but like sometimes I'm getting like oh but that person maybe they do this but I'm like I want to kind of focus on the person who will actually like want to do this we could make a lot of money together slash I can help them with their program with yeah okay yeah and I'm really glad you called this out because this will feel super relevant for everyone who's listening that it can feel it feels so like normal and natural to just talk to the people you already like subconsciously know or in your audience sometimes that's like your high school friends and your There's somebody who like have no clue what you're doing and are not in the right.
[47:22] You when you get laser focus, like if I could the same question I asked before, if I could snap my fingers and give you the client of your dreams, talk to that girl. Yeah, because there will still be the trickle down effect where even people may or may not be like the perfect person will still hear you. But at least this person up here will not hear you unless you're talking directly. Yes. When I even feel like, when I even just like in my heart or whatever made the shift, I was like, I think I want to do business owners. I wasn't even like, I want a huge, crazy business owner. I was like, I just think on new business owners and started even talking to that person.
[47:59] So many like doors open. So I'm like, okay, if I could like start talking to even like that type of business owner, probably other things will happen too. So you're already starting to see the evidence of the power of talking to your ideal client. And like you guys have watched me go through the same shift in my content, too. But how quickly things change.
[48:21] Is still blowing my mind to this very moment because it's like all of a sudden all these people who've been hanging out here and are kind of like cool kaylin good for you are like wait i want that right you weren't talking to me before but now you are and i'm listening it's really powerful cool i could do that i could do it i'm about to have a baby but it's fine it's fine any day it's fine thank you kaylin so good to talk to you good to talk to you too Oh, congrats on the new baby that's on the way basically any day. Thank you.
[48:52] Not soon enough. Okay, Brooke. So I am a coach, a life coach, and I coach women who are transitioning from having kids at home to having adult kids and all of the struggles that come to all of a sudden being in a different space, right? You focus so much on your kids and they don't actually want you to focus on them so much. And you're actually a better mother when you don't focus on them so much. And when you trust them to make decisions that are good. And I have a good client base, but I feel like I give lots of free content, but I don't sell.
[49:31] I just give a lot of free content. And I do invite people to come to a free session, but most of my clients come through referrals. Somebody else has had a really good experience and they point them in my direction or they've been on my email list and they point them in my direction, but I don't sell to them very well. I guess I just assumed that if they wanted enough, they'll ask kind of thing. And so I've liked your, the marketing I've seen you do because when people market correctly, you're like, sell to me. Do you know what I mean? You want them, tell me what you can do to help me. And I feel like I have not gotten really good at that. And then it's caused me to have burnout as far as like, I'm tired of trying to be inspiring on. So this year I've actually posted way less. I used to post every like for three years, I posted almost daily. And then this year I've gone down to virtually nothing.
[50:26] And it has affected my business a little bit, but it's also brought me a lot more peace of mind. Like I'm not, I'm just like, it's okay. But I would like to help more people. I just don't want it to take so much energy. And I don't feel like I've ever learned how to sell very well. Totally. Well, first, I have so many thoughts, but I want to play with that thought of like, I've never learned how to sell stuff because I would bet that you are very convincing when it's, I mean, you don't have littles at home anymore. Let me think of a teenager example. When it's time for a teenager to clean their room, you've probably figured out a way to convince them to clean their room, or you've probably figured out a way to convince them why it would be important for them to take a shower, right? So I think you're under... I'm better at selling than I think. Absolutely. Or even having one-on-one conversations with people, and I'll talk to them about different coaching things, and it's very common for people to just go, thank you for telling me that.
[51:24] Yes, then I don't say, would you like to go on a free session? It's just the next step in the bridge. So my first question for you is, do you have private client spots that you want to fill? Are you feeling fully booked? Do you want to create a group? What do you want to sell?
[51:45] Well, so I have, I range between 12 to 18 clients pretty much all the time and have for years. Years, I guess the one thing I would like to do is do some groups that would make it so I wasn't spending so much time because that fills pretty much all my time to do that because I only work three and a half days a week and I don't want to work more than that. But I have felt really timid about selling groups for some reason. I guess I have done some groups. I liked it sort of, but I didn't love it. But I think if I didn't have to sell it, I would love it. You know, like it's not, I think that the fact that I'm like, it's just as hard to sell a group as get one-to-one client. I don't know. I just have some obstacles in my feelings about filling a group.
[52:35] Okay. So let's see if we can knock a couple of those out to clear the path forward for the inspiration for what you want this group to be to come through. But what scares you most about creating a group? Is it just the pressure of having to fill it or is it having the group isn't quite lighting up your soul with joy? So I did a group last year that four people joined and then one of them didn't feel like she had enough time. And it was great because we would get on the call, I could coach all of them. So they each had, and they became really close to each other. And it was really good. I did not charge them because they were current clients. And so I said, if you're already my current client, you're welcome to join the group.
[53:16] Now, one of those is saying, I'd like to pay you for that again. Could you do that again? And I would be happy to pay you. But I felt like more pressure to hurry their coaching, right? Can we can only do 10 to 15 minutes with each of you in order to get it all done. So I'd either have to charge more to make that group really small or charge less and then know that you won't be coached every time. I also did another group that was like a six week one that had, I think eight people joined that group, but some of them said, I didn't want to be coached every time. So it's totally fine. Right. And so I just have to decide. And maybe that's the indecision of, I don't know what kind of group I want exactly. Right. So it's just taking a lot of energy and I don't, right. I know the one-to-one, I know who I serve. I know. Right. But this one's like, I don't know. Yeah. Okay. I have two different directions that I'm pondering taking you.
[54:14] If you felt like you knew exactly what you wanted the group to be, would that lessen the pressure of selling it or would it almost create more pressure to sell it? It seems like it would help. Okay. Because for some people it's like, I'm trying to sort of tease out, is the obstacle that you're facing just like a lack of clarity about what you want the group to be or is it fear of filling the group? Because both are very real. Yeah, I think it's a little bit of both. Sure. So fear of filling the group, if I can just look at it, like I'm experimenting, I'm figuring out what these women need. And some of them have different needs. I know, like I had a few people reach out to me last week, had heard me on a podcast and they were like, you spoke exactly to my problem. Please tell me how much you charge. So I sent my stuff to them and then I haven't heard from them. Like three people asked, right? Right. And so then I'm like, okay, I can guess that maybe that sounded like too much, but I don't actually know. And so usually I just leave that alone and I just keep providing content. And then eventually they're like, they show up. So that could happen. Or I could just decide, well, I can try this and see, are there people who want it, but they don't want to spend that much. But sometimes I get in my head about, well, but they might think, well, I don't want to be in the group with somebody I know.
[55:37] Cause sometimes that happens like, oh, oh, this is somebody in my neighborhood is also in the group. And so I don't want it. Right. And so I guess I have a little bit of drama in my own mind that holds me back. Yeah. Just I would call it instead of drama, just unanswered questions.
[55:52] Just like disjuncts that haven't been made yet, because I don't think it's drama. All those things totally make sense to me. So I'm going to give you a couple more questions for you to like ruminate on to hopefully help pull through some clarity. So the first one would be, I like to approach creating groups from either one of these two different strategies from like a bird's eye view. For some people, actually creating a smaller group experience can help fill their private client spots where you, it sounds like you're pretty much fully booked. So there's another option where it's almost like the group is the way for you to scale without creating more work for yourself, right? Because you can't take on that many more clients. Another way to think about it, this would be one of the questions that I would think on. I want you to think of creating the group for like a specific person.
[56:40] I would think about it first from what kind of group would Brooke love to have? When she sees that group call on her calendar, she's like, yes, this is the best part of my week. Because it would be so easy to try to create the group that all the people want. And you can absolutely do that. but I think it's way more fun to create the group that you want to have. Who are the people inside who I would love to hang out with? How many people would there be inside? What kind of work would we do inside? Would it be like hot seat coaching where everyone gets coached on every single call? Would it just be a discussion format? I have a group right now that I call the launch crew that I just told the ladies the first day, I get super stressed when I feel like it's my job to manage the clock like be the timekeeper and like make sure everyone gets their 15 minutes I just told them like I'm not going to do that I'm going to ask you guys to do that for me and that way I can just coach you without feeling like I have to be like checking the clock and like closing the discussion and if everyone doesn't get coached on every session that's very likely so we'll have those discussions if you don't get coached on the call we'll have that discussion in boxer, but that was a decision that I made not because that's the best way to run a group but because I know my own brain and I know how to experience the group.
[57:59] And so I think some of those decisions you could probably make just by deciding what Brooke wants. Right. And this sort of came up because this client was like, I want to do that again. And I want it to be right. So she's telling me and I want to do on weight loss and I want, and I do want to help her in that way. And I did really like the group, but I'm not a weight loss coach and that's not my favorite topic. But then Then I was like, but maybe it wouldn't have to be about weight loss. What if it was, who do you want to be in six months? What do you want to create? You're going to come and share your plan. Like we could even have a 15 to 20 minute call individually before we start where you share what your plan is with me. And then this is kind of an accountability group. Where are you running into problems? Where are you right? Where we, we work through some of that stuff together and then.
[58:50] We just meet every week to check in and see where you're going and where do you want to keep going this week. And so it could be weight loss, but it could be a whole bunch of other things. Anything, right? I actually got chills when you were saying that because that sounds like it was created from Brooke's brain. I can see what the subgroup of women needs. And I like the idea of creating a container for them. I know that there's women in my audience who want to to create something in the next six months so they don't want to do it alone. And that's when the messaging comes in, right? Deciding how you want to sell it and things like that. But I think it sounds like there's seeds of a group already in your heart. Right. Oh, one of my issues is I feel like I don't know how it takes me a long time to use Instagram to put little boxes into it, right? Stuff like that just makes me like, oh, I hate all of this.
[59:47] So if you know and I have learned how to do it sort of I think you've done it you already have content that you've created you've been creating content for a long time and I also something that's really important to me is that my content creation takes like 15 minutes or less and so I'm very like I like to create content very minimally where it's like a beautiful image that I either took from my own life or from Pinterest with text on the top up, posting my stories, call it a day. All right. Thank you. That was helpful. Good. I'm so glad. Thank you guys so much for coming and joining. I hope you guys have the best day ever.
[1:00:26] Hey, I hope you loved this week's episode. If you did, I know you would love
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[1:01:06] Music.