[0:00] Music.
[0:13] Hey, welcome back to the podcast. I'm switching up my recording venue tonight. If you hear a rustling sound in the background of this episode, I am quite literally sitting on the floor in my bedroom right now, folding laundry, getting ready to go to a trip to California tomorrow with my family. And I'm going to share more about this trip in just a second because it's been super interesting, but I thought, you know what? Might as well guilty words with one stone, get this job done that I have to do before we leave and sit and record my podcast while I do it. So my apologies to my podcast editor in advance, Allison, I love you. But if you just know, if you hear background noises, that's what's happening in real time. So I thought it would be fun to record this episode. Just today, I revealed my mini rebrand and I have so much to say about it. So I thought this would be the perfect occasion to talk about it. And I have other thoughts that I want to share too. So this episode is kind of just going to be like, what's happening behind the scenes in Kay Lynn's life and business? There are things that are developing, things that are shifting. And you probably hear me say that a lot. And every time I say it's only because it's true. But the changes, the shifts, the moves that have been happening recently feel, instead of like rumblings, it feels like earthquakes, like tectonic plates shifting.
[1:28] Like holes in the ground being exposed and new mountains developing in the best way though. And so I'll share more about that as well in just a minute.
[1:37] So I kind of want to split this episode up into three main areas. I want to talk about body, I want to talk about being, and I want to talk about business. I learned these three Bs from my mentor, Amber, but I kind of want to share, use that as my outline for this episode of talking about what is going on behind the scenes and things I'm really excited about. So first I want to share about some really cool progress that I've had with my body, with my physical health, I just have been feeling so good. I feel super strong. I've been going to a HIIT class at our local gym. It's a mix of cardio and weightlifting, and I love it so much that it's honestly, it's so easy for me to get out of bed and go. And so I just wanted to share this because this is a lesson that will always resonate deeply for me.
[2:29] And that I wish that I could translate into every single woman's life to have time to take care of your body physically, even if it could be as simple as going for a walk. It could be as, you know, complicated as driving to the gym and going to a class. But it's just working really well for me right now. And I just wanted to celebrate that. And also just talk about it in terms of helping you find ideas of ways to make this a pillar of your lifestyle. For me, it's just felt really good that I feel like I've finally cracked the way for me to move my body in a way where I'm not trying to earn any kind of reward. I'm not trying to lose weight intentionally. I'm not trying to, you know, look better in a swimming suit. I'm not trying to get ready for any kind of vacation. I'm just exercising just because it feels really good. It feels good during, I mean, obviously it's a sweat sesh. These classes are like intense.
[3:29] I'm pretty sure, I don't wear my watch, but I'm pretty sure I burn about 500 calories each workout. So it's not like it's just a joyride workout, but I really like it. And I feel amazing afterwards. And I feel like just in the last couple of weeks, I feel like I've finally hit the point where after I work out, I feel good instead of feeling like I just got hit by a truck. You know so I just wanted to celebrate that and also just bring that to you like if there is something if it's you know something you've been procrastinating prioritizing taking care of your physical health I know I did for a really long time and I think that's fine I think it's okay if you're like you know what I'm just in this in a season right now where I just I know I will do that in the future but it's just not it right now I've been there too but if you do need just a gentle nudge or a reason to try fitting it back into your life.
[4:22] And it could be as, like I said, it can be simple or it could be a super intense workout. You can pick. But I just wanted to say that and celebrate that.
[4:31] And like I said, I just... I just wish I could just push a button and have everyone in my audience experience the same joy that I'm experiencing with my workouts right now.
[4:42] The second thing that I want to talk about is I'm calling it being. So I've talked about this a lot on Instagram recently, and there's a reason why I have been including God a lot more in my content. And any of you who have followed me know that this is not a new topic for me, but just as I've been doing my morning pages in the last few months, It's like a lot of times the message that comes through for me is like, basically as I'm praying, writing my morning pages, God's like, hey, will you just let the ladies know, let the ladies know in your audience? This is seriously how he talks to me. Hey, will you just let the ladies in your audience know today that like I'm here and I want to help them? Anyway, it's just it's been something I've been reestablishing and turning up the volume on in my marketing. I've said in years past that I you know really like to avoid posting on Sunday because I like to take that day to be with my family but also I have a social media manager and so I am not usually the one posting anyway but something that's felt really really good is to post on Sundays and have it be content that is focused on God and Jesus Christ and so that's just felt really aligned for me yeah I guess I just wanted to share that that if you start to hear more content about my thoughts about God and Jesus Christ, don't be surprised because they're asking me to talk about them more. And so therefore I am.
[6:05] The second thing I want to talk about in this being section, I wanted to talk about this trip that I'm going on tomorrow. So this is super interesting. My family actually went to Disneyland in March of this year. So actually our kids don't know we're going to Disneyland. We're going to surprise them. They probably figured it out because they're not that dumb. And I've let it slip a couple of times, but we haven't specifically told them we're going to Disneyland, but we're going to tell them the morning that we go, partially because we want to see their reactions, but also because I just know they're going to be asking us every five seconds. And so we're going to be going on Wednesday. So anyway, I'll keep you posted on how they react. But this is our second trip to Disneyland in one calendar year. So the circumstance of this specific trip, my parents booked a hotel at actually the same hotel that we stayed at the last time we went to Disneyland. And they got this really cool, or this is what they told me, actually, I don't know if this is completely true. But what they told me is that they got a really cool discount to book the same hotel again.
[7:04] And so they booked it, you know, it's like the week after fall break. So it's kind of an off season week. So they just snagged it and they let me know. And they were like, you know, we could just like go again if you want to. And so they put out an invitation and I sat on it for way too long. I was like super indecisive about it. And it's been so interesting observing my brain in this process because it's like, this should be a heck yes. Instant yes. Absolutely. Like, Thank you so much for inviting us. We would love to be there. But there's been something stopping me about it ever since they invited us. And I think it's just what's been stopping me is like, it just sounds too good. It just sounds too awesome. And like, I don't know if I deserve to go to Disneyland twice with my kids and my parents in one year, which sounds so silly. But I observe my brain doing stuff like this all the time. And your brain might be doing this too. Hopefully you're able to pick it out and identify it when it happens but maybe not so I just want to call this out this is it sounds so kind of silly and vulnerable to talk about but I'm sure hopefully there's someone out there who can relate with this especially if things start to go really well in your business it's almost like yeah I could just sell more but that almost sounds too easy and we kind of make it harder than it needs to be, So thinking about this Disneyland trip, honestly, like, this is my dream life.
[8:33] Taking my family on a trip like this twice in the same calendar year is the stuff my dreams are made of.
[8:39] And, like, I didn't expect for it to happen this soon in our lives.
[8:43] I thought, oh, that'll happen when our kids are teenagers, when we really start getting this business cranking, all that stuff. And so I just didn't expect the opportunity to come this soon. And so it has pushed me.
[8:55] To receive the good things in my life to a new level it's pushed me to stop I basically almost rejected a trip to Disneyland and like I just I just think we probably do this a lot more than we realize which is why I wanted to bring it up I think sometimes there are opportunities that are handed to us in a way where it's like yeah I could do that but that would just be like too easy that would work out too well so just wanted to call this out that I'm seeing this in my own life and I'm really glad that I'm recognizing a new level where I can increase my belief in my own worthiness of like yeah if I want to take my family to Disneyland twice I can and there's no reason why I can't and it doesn't serve anyone for me to stay home just so that I can feel like it's it would be too good to be true to go you know so anyway that's my thoughts about how I almost stopped myself from going to Disneyland and then I changed my mind and now we're going and I'm so excited the last thing I want to talk about is things that are shifting in my business and I don't want this to sound like I'm recreating the wheel because you know I've done that a lot of times that's not what is happening right now but I do want to talk about this mini I'm calling it a mini rebrand you guys know I worked
[10:12] with Rebecca Peterson two years ago on my first.
[10:15] Well, it was actually 18 months ago on my first, first ever personal brand as a coach. And it was like kind of the first time that I put myself out into the world as a coach. And so now 18 months later, nothing about that is changing. I'm just getting more specific about who I want to serve and how I want to serve people. So now I'm rebranding as a launch strategist and a messaging coach and a marketing and content coach.
[10:41] And it's just been so fun. I'm really excited about it. I'm really finding my groove and like my zone of genius and my unique skill set and the way that I can serve people in a unique way. Something that really resonated with me when I was chatting with Rebecca about this potential mini rebrand, she kind of brought it up to me like hey I can see ways that we can strengthen not just like you know you revealing yourself to the world as a launch strategist but also shifting some of the visuals of your brand to make that more like obvious in your content I'll talk about that in just a minute so when I first started this conversation with Rebecca about potentially doing this mini rebrand I I told her I've noticed when I go to networking events and I call myself the messaging coach, people will come up and ask me questions about it afterwards. People will refer to me as the messaging queen.
[11:37] People will, you know, lean over to their friends at a networking event and say, oh, you should ask Kay Lynn about that because she's the messaging queen. And so I was like, I just feel like I'm finding a new and not just from like, I'm going to do this because people seem to really like it and it seems to be landing. I really like feeling like I have a unique skill set that I've developed over time just through my own experience selling a bajillion different offers. And I like being known for this specific skill set. And I could coach you on money. I could coach you on faith. I could coach you on mindset and business strategy and scaling strategy. And I can do all of that. But it's felt so fun and exciting that I've found like this, I guess, a hole in the market, maybe, where I don't really see anyone else serving their audience in quite the way that I can and want to and I'm having so much fun doing.
[12:32] So another layer that's been revealed to me, I talked about this in my Instagram stories a couple days ago. So some of you may have already heard me talk about this, but something that I'm really discovering that feels honestly vulnerable to share on this podcast, because it's definitely, I'm definitely in the middle of it. I'm definitely still figuring it out. But I've had this realization that I have a very limited energy for having a lot of calls on my calendar. And I also only work two days a week and so it's like if we do the math and Kaylin can like her energetic limit is two calls on her calendar twice a week maybe three three is my max anything after three I like die like I get so tired I feel like I ran a marathon afterwards because I just put my whole heart and soul into any call that I'm on and so you know if I am on calls for a long time my energy decreases really quickly. And after I get off, when I wrap up my workday and I go back to with my kids, I'm like, I'm freaking tired. And that's not really the result that I want my business to create. I want to be able to get off my workday and feel jazzed and excited and elated and not like I want to lay down on the floor.
[13:46] So knowing this and knowing that I don't want to work more than two, maybe three days a week, depending on the availability of our child care. I've played around with both. I've done three four to five hour days. Right now I'm doing two seven hour days. So from 930 to 430. And I really like that because I can just like get in my groove and just go all day long.
[14:09] So anyway, back to what I was saying a few minutes ago, if we do the math and Kaylin can only handle four calls on her calendar on a weekly basis, if she's trying to build a private coaching practice, the math is not in her favor if she wants to build a multi six-figure business. Part of what inspired this, I was listening to this coach the other day who was talking on his podcast about how he can see himself being a coach when he's 80 years old, and I can too. But the way he described it was, I'm going to wake up when I'm 80 and I'm going to look at my calendar for the day. And I'm going to say, I have six client calls today and I can't wait. I am so excited to talk to these people. And I was like, my brain can't even fathom what that must be like. And I married to someone who like, that's their skillset. That would be Nate's dream job too. So I know it's a real thing. It's just so not my dream.
[14:59] And so basically I've had to get really honest with myself about that because I love serving private clients so much. I love getting on a call with one person one-on-one and like hashing it out, hammering it out together, figuring out the strategy, figuring out the marketing, figuring out the messaging, figuring out the mindset, whatever it is. I love it so much. The problem is that it just doesn't math if I only want to work two days a week and only have two to three calls on my calendar to maximum for those two days. So that means by default, that instead of having a low volume, high ticket business, my business model has to change. That basically means that if I want to make six figures or seven figures, I have to have a high volume business. And actually, I think you sort of have to have a high volume offer at some point
[15:51] if you want a million dollar business, unless you want to charge six figures for coaching. And I know there are totally people who do that. It's just not I just you know, I only have so much availability. So it's just been so interesting to play around with this new discovery of like, oh, I've been like working really hard on serving private clients, you know, by marketing and messaging for my private offers and working on developing my messaging and marketing for my private coaching offers. But I'm just now discovering that that business model by itself, I'm going to keep serving private clients just in my own unique way, which I'll probably share in a future podcast. But.
[16:29] As far as building out like a private clientele with, you know, however many clients, six, seven, eight, nine, 10s, people have like 12, 15 is just not going to work for me. And so as a result, my entire business plan has shifted in a way that I'm actually think makes so much sense for me. And I'm super excited about it. It's just, it's just new. It's just something I'm trying to wrap my mind around. basically it's going to look like a lot more leaning into scalable offers even more which is so funny because that's how I started this whole game was with a course and it did really well and you know that course was about Etsy specifically but I left the course behind just because I didn't want to talk about Etsy for the rest of forever so it's kind of like I've circled back to the business model that is super aligned with my soul but the topic that I'm talking about now, which is messaging, launching, content, marketing.
[17:27] Content creation that feels good in your soul instead of that feels like sandpaper on your soul. Learning how to have certainty in your business because you have certainty in yourself instead of looking for certainty in the circumstances outside of you. It's just so interesting now to look back and just watch this journey that God has been taking me on. And this has always been true that my business model is basically, I say a prayer every day. I ask God what to do. He tells me what to do and I do it. But right now, like that is my plan. Like that is my entire business model. And on a daily basis, I'm like praying, asking to know what steps to take next, who I should reach out to next.
[18:12] Whose content I should start absorbing, who I should be learning from, what books I should be reading. This was actually so funny. I'm just going to share this because it's so fascinating. I was on a call with my coach, Amber, and we were having a conversation about memberships because my brain is looking at like, I could scale the greenhouse, for example, if I wanted to. It's selling really well organically to my audience of 600 people. I've had 75 people come through it, which is more than 10%, which is pretty cool. Kind of speaks to like the really cool, tightly knit community that I built over the last few years. So it's like something about this is working. I wonder if I could scale this. So I've been doing, learning about scalable memberships and reading books about it. And I was on a call with my coach, Amber, and she was like, have you read the book? I think the first one that she threw out was The Membership Economy.
[19:01] And it had, I literally ordered it and it was coming in the mail that day. And I was like, that's so weird that you mentioned that because I did order that book and I'm like going to start reading it. And there was another one that we were talking about called The Nuclear Method that I had started reading and she was like, I just ordered that one today. So it was just funny how like God has like led us to a couple of the same books literally within the same days.
[19:24] So anyway, all this to say that I said this in my Instagram post. So if you haven't seen my rebrand, go back and look at it. But basically it feels like nothing's changing and yet everything's changing. So I want to speak a little bit more about what you'll see that's changing in my branding. Because the way that I kind of approached this mini rebrand was not just like doing the rebrand. Here's what it is and that's awesome. But I wanted to use it as like a masterclass. Because I know you guys are looking at my brand as an example. And you're watching the way that I brand my offers and my content and myself and using that as a template or an example for what you could do for your own personal brands. And so first, even doing a mini rebrand in the first place felt super necessary because I've learned how critical personal branding is to the success of building a tightly knit community, of building a business that people talk about in good ways behind your back, where they refer their friends.
[20:31] Where your name comes up in conversation all the time. I know that personal branding is like the key to that door and this post is going to come out tomorrow you guys will see it when this podcast episode airs but I have a post coming about the evolution of my personal brand over the years and like where it started in 2017 where like I had no concept of what a brand was but you could still sort of like see a brand in my content which is super interesting anyway I have really learned that if you want your business to explode personal branding is like the key. You can have the best content in the world. You can have the best offers in the world and they can serve people. And that's awesome. But what will take you to the next level is having a visual brand. And so, like I said, I wanted to use this micro mini rebrand as an example for the ladies in my audience to show what I mean about the significance of the way that you represent yourself visually, lens to increasing your authority, lens to increasing the amount of trust that people have in you, lens to how quickly people remember you and think about you and how quickly they can identify your content, even if they're just scrolling. So let me talk about some of the changes specifically that are happening with this rebrand. The way that I serve people now is launch strategy, messaging.
[21:50] Content marketing, anything in that world and outside of that world too. But like those are like my playground. I'm also shifting kind of like the mission of my brand, which is now that I want to help women increase their certainty in themselves instead of in their circumstances. I want to help women create content in a way that feels like a creative expression. And I want to help ladies learn how to control their sales. Like if you had a faucet that you could turn on, I want the women in my audience to learn what converts, what sells with so much clarity that they feel like if they want more sales, it's as simple as turning on the faucet. If they want to decrease their sales and take a break, they turn down the faucet. I want it to feel like you have that much control over your sales. And so that's sort of the shift in my brand mission. As far as visuals, you're going to see a lot more neutrals. You're going to see a lot more elevated visuals in terms of pictures and images and graphics. You're going to see a lot more black font. You're going to see muted color tones, but still color pops. It was really important to me. Rebecca and I were having conversations about, she was like, are there any colors that you feel.
[23:09] Very attached to and I was like yes to the pink like I get so many comments about me anytime I wear pink I had never worn like hot pink before until Rebecca rebranded me and I bought a shirt for a brand photo shoot and you know and I just wear it out and about I get compliments on it all the time so I'm like something I just have to keep that there's also this like pistachio honeydew color that I feel oddly very attached to that I like asked her to add into the brand which I think is so fun and just as these fun little color pops I didn't want to turn into like vogue editorial style everything is black and white and beige brand because that's what a lot of ladies in my niche do and I don't want to go that direction I still want to have color but I want to build in some of the layers of some of that vibey content that feels very elevated that feels like this person knows what they're talking about this person is an authority figure in this industry And so you'll see some of those influences built into my content and offer designs as well. There's also going to be a slight shift in the tone that I use. I've actually kind of already started leaning into it. But basically the vibe is less, hey, let's be BFFs. We're in this together.
[24:22] And more like, hey, I'm your personal trainer at the gym and I'm going to push you a little bit. I might get uncomfortable, but I know what works. And so I'm going to push you
[24:32] to get uncomfortable because I know how to get you results. That's kind of the vibe that I want or that I hope comes through in my content and the last thing and this one feels the most vulnerable to share but also feels so right basically this is what I've seen before where if you're like oh Kaylin's changing everything again I'm not really changing anything but inside it does feel like everything's changing I'm an expert at building six-figure businesses I've done it three times with my own brands I'm ready to build a seven-figure business Ultimately, at the heart, that's what's different about this brand. This brand is specifically designed to be the one that takes me to seven figures and beyond. That sounds really vulnerable to say, but I just feel like it needs to be said. I feel like it's good for me to start being more confident speaking that out into the world and creating that more intentionally instead of just like kind of hoping for it deep, deep down. But, you know, being too afraid of having big goals.
[25:25] I have this vision in my mind and I have this really cool belief that anytime I can like visualize something, that means that it's like very close in the future. I've talked about this before when I was talking about my garden dinner party. I could see that in my mind's eye before I even started selling tickets. And when I created it, it was like, yep, this looks exactly like what I was imagining in my head. I have this vision in my head of me also at my grandma's house, interestingly, and in her sunroom. And I'm like on my laptop looking out into her beautiful yard and I am creating content on my laptop. I'm writing and I'm like, oh, I've got a greenhouse call in about an hour. And I know that like I have a couple of calls on my calendar each week that are for my saleable offers like the greenhouse and the launch crew. And that's my entire business model. And I also have big goals about how much monthly revenue those two offers will create for me. And so it's like that's what feels so vulnerable about it is that I've been able to see this for a long time and I think that I was telling myself like oh that will totally happen in like 10 years I can totally create that in like 10 years piece of cake not piece of cake but like I'm sure I could probably figure it out by then but there was just this question that came through in my morning pages one morning that was like what if that vision came true in five years and it was like, holy.
[26:51] Oh, if that was going to happen in five years, I'd have to start doing things differently right now. And then the next question was like, what if that happened in three years?
[27:01] And then, you know, when it started to feel even closer like that, I was like, oh, oh, I would have to, I would have to really shift things around. And then the question was, what if that happened in one year?
[27:11] That's still a question I'm very much hanging out with and still chewing on. I have no answers, but it's fun to let my brain drain and to expand my belief and thoughts and visualization of what could possibly be possible.
[27:25] So that's why I'm sharing that for you. And I think it's helpful. I like when mentors who I follow are sharing their big dreams so that I can sort of like use theirs to inspire my own big dreams. So there's some of mine. If nothing else, probably going to Disneyland twice a year is definitely on the list of big dreams that are coming true a lot sooner than I expected. I hope you love this episode. I'm so excited to chat more about my rebrand. You can see more content about it. If you jump over to my Instagram feed, you can see all the details about what's changing visually, what's changing graphically. And as far as what's changing offer wise, all of that is still in the works. So stay tuned about all of that, but I'm sure whatever it is, it's going to be awesome. I'll see you guys next week.
[28:12] Hey, I hope you loved this week's episode. If you did, I know you would love to be a member of my community, The Greenhouse. It's where I teach you how to build an amazing, fruitful life while you build an amazing, fruitful business. It is a movement for women who want to unsubscribe from the traditional success path that says that life has to be a struggle, and instead learn how good making more money can get, how fun marketing can be and how much joy and presence you're capable of feeling as a woman and as a mother. Find out more and join at kaylinpriest.com slash greenhouse. And I'll see you there.
[28:51] Music.